Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pink Butterfly Tattoos

Pink Butterfly Tattoos, butterfly tattoo design, latest butterfly tattoos
Pink Butterfly Tattoos: These are most popular feminine design also. Butterflies are always been an inspiration for the visual arts. Butterfly tattoo can be considered as first tattoo as it does not need to be big to get noticed.
A small butterfly tattoo on the shoulder or ankle can make a difference with its pretty look. Depending on the individual or the culture, butterfly tattoos have a lot of meanings such it is symbolized as rebirth and transformation i.e. it symbolizes new life and new beginning for those who have gone through rough times. This also symbolizes the delicate beauty, as the butterfly is delicate and small. It also symbolizes as freedom, soul, good luck, love, peace etc.
Fairies are cute little winged creatures and are a part of a more naturalistic type of religion than of a pagan feel. They have the characters in western lore, mythology and religion. They are looking similar to angels of Christian religion. But fairies are more naturalistic or nature based religion and at present they lost their significance and meaning once they had and become a popular icon that is cute, helpful, sweet and may even little magical. For getting these tattoos each individual has a reason and interpretation. They are popular because they are innocent as well as sexy, represent freedom with their wings, colorful, can be done easily, look great as lower and upper back tattoos and are mystical.
Flower tattoos represent the beauty that is timeless and these are the popular choices among the women but are not uncommon among men. They can be placed in any part of the body from arms, legs, neck, belly, lower back, chest, breast etc. Rose tattoo is the most commonly used flower tattoo and each rose has its own meaning. Red rose stands for unity and romance, pink rose stands for keep the love secret and a white rose stand for the assurance of love. Budding rose represents innocence and youth. Water lily expresses the purity of heart and it also symbolizes survival, rebirth and enlightenment. Cherry blossom tattoos are also famous and cherry blossom has symbolic meaning and importance in both Chinese and Japanese cultures. In Chinese cherry blossom is the symbol of power and in Japanese; it represents the transience of life.

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